Childish or childlike?


December 23, 2016 by readlisaread

I laughed out loud at this photo (and in particular the subtle differences between the 2 captions):


I know the difference between wit and humour, and I agree that sarcasm, mockery, and scatology are the lowest forms of comedy. I very much despise “pranks” or practical jokes.

When I find something funny, I don’t just chuckle politely, I laugh loudly and enthusiastically, and if I really find it humorous, I laugh until I turn red and tears spurt from my eyes.

Another thing that happened recently was that I decided to learn how to play the ukulele.  Not because I have any musical ability, nor can I play any other instrument, carry a tune or read music.  But I saw some kids playing ukes at a Christmas concert, and I thought it looked fun.

It’s harder than one would think to find people who aren’t exhausted by my energy–that is, like the scene from “Big” when Tom Hanks is playing the floor piano in FAO Schwartz, it’s very rare to find someone who would finish the Chopsticks duet with me.  (Provided I could muster enough musical talent to play Chopsticks).

It’s taken me a lot of years to stop apologizing for showing strong emotion. I am rarely indifferent, like our formally dressed foul fowl above, and occasionally my passionate ways make others uncomfortable. I am also learning to stop letting that bother me, too. Obviously, I think it’s a mistake if you do not to want to hang out with me, but, if you can’t handle the heat… well, you know the rest.

I’ll revise that to “If you can’t stand the torturous ukulele playing, get out of earshot”.

I’m not likely to change now….


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