Friends, Politics, Opinions and Being Right.


June 13, 2014 by readlisaread

Well. This post has it all.  Social Media, Education, Communication, History and Emotion… all the stuff I love to ponder and sometimes even over-think.  Ready?

The past few weeks have seen Public Education in British Columbia in yet more turmoil.  Again. Contract negotiations broke down. Again. The BCTF entered Phase one of job action. Again.  The employer imposed a partial lock out and a 10% wage cut (that was actually a new one). And here we are, poised for a full scale withdrawal of service (yep, Again). I’ve gone through phases in my 20+ year career. Passionate and eager Union Membership; Perplexed but “dance with the one that brung ya” union membership; Disillusioned and standing up in a meeting chaired by the BCTF Vice-President and saying I want to write “Decertify” on my ballot union membership; and now, I’m a jaded and resigned union member.  Recently I posted this status on Facebook:

“My grade 9’s just put me on the spot:
“What’s the strike all about?”
“Teachers want more money, right Mrs. Read?”
And then the magic happened…. my whole roomful of 45 students (yes, there were 45 in there) dialed in on me with laser-like focus.
We talked about contracts, the democratic process, the cost of living index. The fascinating connection for the class is that I had just given them an assignment to create their own “Utopian Society”. Now they had to connect what they know, what they feel, and what they hope for. The government is elected by the people, after all, and the people have to decide where their allegiance remains.
I finished the talk by telling them about my own memories of being able to vote (in a federal election) for the first time the year I turned 18, how seriously and emotionally I exercised my right…. and how every time I reflect on that privilege, I remember it was one NOT shared by my great grandmothers.”

My dilemma in all of this is:  I don’t think the BCTF and Federation of Labour have respected ME. I don’t think the current Liberal government is even remotely trustworthy. I became a teacher because I am passionate and curious and love kids and love other passionate and curious adults and all that all mixed together is heaven for me. I voted the way I did on this last strike vote because I felt I had no choice, not because it was what I believed was right.  Some day, I’d like there to be a better system. I’d also love it if there was a government I could believe in and trust.

But there is a cost to living a passionate life, much of it online. Burn out. Burned bridges. Sun burn from picket duty. Unfriendings on Facebook. Here are the conclusions I have come to.  I will have the courage of my convictions. I will listen to arguments, and think about why I agree or disagree. I won’t feel badly if I do, or do not, alter my opinion. And I will remember that I am loved for my heart, my intellect is just gravy.  Tasty, salty gravy. I’m ok with that, lumps and all.


  1. audrey says:

    brilliantly put.

  2. readlisaread says:

    Thanks Audrey– and thanks for reading!!

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