Leap Year


February 29, 2016 by readlisaread

February 29 has always seemed like a particularly magical day to me.  It only happens every 4 years, (which, incidentally, makes it mathematically possible to figure out if any given year, past or present, shall have a February 29th– if it is divisible by 4, then it is).

There are various traditions and folklore around Leap Day, particularly regarding a traditional role swap.  That is, Sadie Hawkins dances and marriage proposals from women to men. I want to say something snarky in here about women only being that crazy 25% as often as men, but romance is romance, even to the jaded.

And then, there are the leap-year babies.  Think how special the champagne birthday for them is!

Happy Birthday, you Leap-Babies, and Godspeed to all the Sadie Hawkins’ out there– I hope he (or she) says Yes.

1 comment »

  1. Fearless Fosdick says:

    If a woman caught a bachelor and dragged him, kicking and screaming, across the finish line before sundown—by law he had to marry her.

    “When ah fires [my gun], all o’ yo’ kin start a-runnin! When ah fires agin—after givin’ yo’ a fair start—Sadie starts a runnin’. Th’ one she ketches’ll be her husbin

    Li’l Abner

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