‘Meanwhile, in other news’ Category

  1. Singapore– welcome heat, happy humidity


    August 14, 2017 by readlisaread

    After the endurance test that is the weather of Guangzhou, it’s a relief to feel ocean breezes again.  It’s still …
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  2. Guangzhou to Singapore– 180° in 4 hours


    August 13, 2017 by readlisaread

    It was with very little reluctance that I boarded the flight in Guangzhou that would take me to Singapore.  As …
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  3. Walk to work


    August 9, 2017 by readlisaread

    It’s only about a 10 minute walk from our hotel to the school. But it is never a boring or …
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  4. Guangzhou food adventures


    August 8, 2017 by readlisaread

    its pretty challenging to find familiar food here. I fully expected NOT to find chow mein and chop suey. But …
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  5. A day in Guangzhou


    August 5, 2017 by readlisaread

    in pictures… descriptors to come

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