Malls, Walls, and Celebrity–Adventures in Beijing, Day 2/3


July 18, 2016 by readlisaread

When I was originally planning to go to a smaller city, I was prepared to attract attention, but really thought Beijing, being a much more cosmopolitan city, would be unimpressed by my presence.  I can’t speak to whether the city is impressed, but certainly it notices me.  Walking past a sidewalk market stall, the seller saw me approach and called out “Hello!!!”, and then obviously casting about for one of his other English words, called after “Beautiful!”.  I took this as a comment on his wares, not on my appearance (in 30°C temps with 90% humidity, believe me, dear reader, while I was a site to behold, it wasn’t a site of beauty).

The next event was later in the day when one of my co-teachers and I wandered through the Mall.  A little girl, perhaps age 3, stopped in her tracks when she saw us, then tentatively waved.  We waved back, smiling and saying hello, and she seemed nothing if not awestruck, which only encouraged us more until we both crouched down so we were at her eye level.  By this time, her mom had out her phone and wanted a photo.  The little girl VERY hesitantly approached, no longer awestruck, more like terrified. We wished her farewell after the photo-op and giggled about it all the way back to our hotel.

Today was visiting the tailor, the eyeglasses mall, and the Dirt Market. (so called because it is out of doors, unlike the Pearl Market which has all the stalls indoors–that is a future shopping adventure). Pictures below, including taken-out-of-the-cab-window-low quality shots of the journey.  Thanks for joining me on the adventure, at least virtually.


Fruit and vegetable market near the school and a subway stop. Also lots of food carts in this area


Prettily polished wood pieces, including Buddha, on the back of a lorry.


Intimidating truck load of military types– I was even a little hesitant to take the picture out the window


This is the tailoring shop our handler took us to– what are the chances!!


Driving for over an hour into the city from the school, kilometre after kilometre of massive apartment/condo buildings. No houses, no yards, just high density housing (there are a good number of park spaces, though)


The Dirt Market. Beads, polished stones, beads, teapots, semi-precious gems, beads. Some art and antiques. One stall had some broken pottery pieces.


Statuary Selfie


Amazing rock sculptures and carvings


1 comment »

  1. Scott says:

    I remember my trip to Beijing in Tianamin Square. The kids were looking up at me as if I was an oddity and perhaps I was at the time. It was such a fascinated trip to China.

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