What is Technology, exactly?


October 23, 2010 by readlisaread

So, I had an interesting Professional Development day this year.  I like to get out of town, do something different, meet new people.  I decided not to do my usual CUEBC turn, and attend the BC Teacher Librariansconference, held in Kelowna.  I was particularly interested in sessions that promoted or encourged the melding of Teacher/Librarians with the Technology experts.  For example, one session I signed up for was titled something like “From Guttenburg to TGIF”  Where “TGIF” referred to “Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook”.  I sat keenly waiting for the session to begin, only to find myself sitting in a room full of Librarian-types, who were singing along as the facilitator read/ sang “I love my White Shoes, I love my white shoes….”  (that alone was enough to make me snicker.  Her suggestion that we all take time at our next staff meeting to share Pete the Cat  was enough to to make me positively hoot my derision.  I controlled myself, though)

There was reference to the TGIF in the title– on one PowerPoint slide (yes, PowerPoint), and she did show one or two YouTube clips, but that was sort of the extent of the Technology Overlap.

Hmmm…. I got to thinking, then, that I guess my evangelical days are still not behind me.  But (with a little more generosity of spirit), I also had the thought that this lovely librarian lady is every bit as passionate about her field (Kiddy Lit) as I am about mine.  And, she was trying to bring the print and the Web 2.o media together.  So, who was I to snicker and hoot?  It is my job to continue to spread the word, to make the connections, and to encourage the book lovers that we (the Techies) are not the enemy.  To mangle a metaphor (or produce a malapropism)– We are not the enemy–we are Us.


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