‘Meanwhile, in other news’ Category

  1. Guangzhou Adventure– Today was all about Sensation


    August 5, 2017 by readlisaread

    The other night walking through the neighbourhood near our hotel, we were sharing information and needed a short-hand way to …
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  2. Guangzhou Adventure– Stardom


    August 4, 2017 by readlisaread

    I remember being amazed by this in Beijing last year, but it is perhaps even more pronounced here.  At the …
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  3. Guangzhou Adventure–Tropical Storms


    August 4, 2017 by readlisaread

    I can see why life in the tropics is so different than that in the Pacific Northwest.  Take wind for …
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  4. Guangzhou adventure….Day 2.5-ish


    August 1, 2017 by readlisaread

    We braved the streets for dinner tonight, we eight, we pasty-white Canadians, through back alleys and dubious side streets and …
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  5. Guangzhou Adventure….Day 2-ish


    August 1, 2017 by readlisaread

    Despite the heat, the *misunderstandings* and the rat…oh no, sorry… LARGE mouse in our staff room, this place is starting …
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